Legends Martial Arts
Club Head Trainer
Stefan Moriarty is Head Coach at the renowned Legends Martial Arts Gym and Owner/Editor of Irelands latest Martial Arts Magazine "The 5th Degree".
With almost 30 years martial arts experience Stefan has trained in many disciplines including Kickboxing, Taekwondo, Boxing, Wrestling, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Weapons & Mixed Martial Arts.
He is a 5th Dan Black Belt in Kickboxing & Taekwondo, a boxing coach, one of the first internationally certified MMA coaches & also certified in sports first aid, safeguarding 1 & 2, Garda Vetted & fully insured.
Stefan is also IKF Ireland's Eastern Representative for Kickboxing in Ireland & a well respected official across mainstream Kickboxing & MMA.
Having trained numerous champions on a national level to World medallists all are welcome for fun or for competition. Located in Sallynoggin Dun Laoghaire classes are available for individual's & groups of all ages.
With almost 30 years martial arts experience Stefan has trained in many disciplines including Kickboxing, Taekwondo, Boxing, Wrestling, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Weapons & Mixed Martial Arts.
He is a 5th Dan Black Belt in Kickboxing & Taekwondo, a boxing coach, one of the first internationally certified MMA coaches & also certified in sports first aid, safeguarding 1 & 2, Garda Vetted & fully insured.
Stefan is also IKF Ireland's Eastern Representative for Kickboxing in Ireland & a well respected official across mainstream Kickboxing & MMA.
Having trained numerous champions on a national level to World medallists all are welcome for fun or for competition. Located in Sallynoggin Dun Laoghaire classes are available for individual's & groups of all ages.

Contact Details
56/57 Upper Georgres Street, Dun Laoghaire
Mob: 085 1734017